The Protean Alliance Headquarters

Incredibly smart, creative, ingenious, handsome, and modest as I am, I could not have constructed everything you can see on this fine site without even a little help. Also I need to people to share the flak from any potential enraged readers ^^;;;

These individuals have all contributed in some way to my site, in any way, shape or form. I may actually turn this into a Webring of some kind someday, when I'm not feeling quite so lazy perhaps...So, gentlemen (no ladies so far, but who knows?) I salute you!


The Lord High Rikonian

You've likely noticed the praises I've heaped on this fellow in the links page. Well, now he's gone and topped himself, and is using my site to host some surplus material of his. Rik, I salute you!
Contributions by this member of the Protean Alliance:
  • Advice on matters of HTML, and the incentive to write this d*mn site in the first place
  • The "Green Lantern Ring"
  • The "Protean Alliance" Graphic, as above
  • Allowing me to use his comics in my 4th rant [On censorship]
  • Suggestions for the name of the Humour Page
  • Invaluable assistance with javascript programming [Which I have not managed anything successful with yet, but still...]
  • Sounding Board Duty. Nice job, Trooper!

    Ryan J. Smith

    [Pic currently unavailable]
    I owe this guy a bigger debt then he thinks..after all, how many non-sanctioned Palladium writers can honestly say they have sanctioned conversions on their websites? Ryan, I salute you!
    Contributions by this member of the Protean Alliance:
  • Permission to upload the beginnings of the "Fuzzy Dice Project", in the form of his creation, the Shackers.
  • He was the two thousandth (MM! 2000!) guy to access my site! A Milestone in the Alliance annals!

    Angal the Chupa Boy

    Here we have another guy has offered me a great deal of support, and more importantly has opened the door for a whole lot more material to write up. He was also the clincher in my determination to get off my butt and draw a few things. Angal, I salute you!
    Contributions by this member of the Protean Alliance:
  • Isomorph: Genesis - Major partnership and creative linkage between him and myself in the generation of this upcoming online manga.
  • Shin Waco - Another original setting by Angal which he graciously allowed me to convert. Of course, he's been waiting for months now beacuse I am a total bastard and haven't posted anything yet.


    One of the foremost members of the ever-growing Protean Alliance! The amount of control this guy has lent me to some of his creations is absolutely phenomenal. Not only that, but without this guy my artistic abilities would be utterly stunted to this day! Gil, I salute you!
    Contributions by this member of the Protean Alliance:
  • Formation of "The Led Babies", a unique web-based entertainment conglomerate of Gil and myself. Beware, mortals...
  • Artistic Assistance!
  • Sounding Board Duty. Nice job, Trooper!

    Want in?

    Sure you do! There are many, many benefits to joining the hallowed ranks of the mighty Protean Alliance! Including:
  • Inclusion on the Protean Update List, at no extra charge!
  • Your name in lights here, on this very page!
  • Automatic inclusion in the otherwise totally-exclusive [Indeed, currently so exclusive as to not even exist on this plane of reality] Protean Alliance Webring!

    And all you have to do to enter is to do me a favour somehow! Just look at the above citations of merit for examples!

    Talk to me at...

    The Mailbox of the Almighty Proteus454
    The Protyalta conference...yet another work of Rik. You see why we love him so much?
    Once you've washed all the weirdness off from touching the button, go back to the Central Access Node/Main Page!